특허법인 부경釜慶


부산 경남 최고의 특허법인 부경


기술명 Horizontal and vertical transportation system using permanent magnet excited transverse flux linear motors (영구 자석 활발한 횡 방향 플럭스 리니어 모터를 이용하는 가로 세론 수송 시스템)
기술분야 전기/전자
기술개요 Disclosed herein is a horizontal and vertical transportation system using permanent magnet excited transverse flux linear motors which is capable of linearly transporting an object in the horizontal direction and in the vertical direction using permanent magnet excited transverse flux linear motors, thereby obtaining a simple structure of the system and preventing any occurrence of dust generated by abrasion between the parts of the system. The system comprises a horizontal transportation unit and a vertical transportation unit. The horizontal transportation unit is adapted for transporting the object in the horizontal direction by means of a thrust from a permanent magnet excited transverse flux horizontal linear motor. The vertical transportation unit is installed on the horizontal transportation unit. The vertical transportation unit is adapted for transporting the object in the vertical direction by means of thrusts from permanent magnet excited transverse flux vertical linear motors.
기술개발상태 기술개발완료
기술개발국가 국외
희망거래유형 기술매매
기술이전조건 협의
기술판매자정보 특허법인 부경
주소 부산광역시 연제구 법원남로15번길 12, 6층(거제동,대한타워빌딩)
연락처 전화번호 : 051-503-6633 / E-Mail : pat@pnkpat.com